Just Another Random Friday


Top Song At Time Of Post

Song: My Ordinary Life
Artist: The Living Tombstone

Early Post Hours - 3 AM

At the time of writing this I'm tired and just trying to get things prepped. Just finished the template for easier posts later in the month. Gods its been a rough few days of coding. Still chugging along trying to learn what I can about this godforsaken hobby I've really gotten myself into. Luckily if I scrap things I do have backups on backups for various bits of this. Namely the ability to swap over to tumblr for this blogging bit. I could simply embed the posts but I don't feel that is in spirit of what Im working on. Anyway, back to the issues. I spent an entire hour confused on Psudo-Classes and regular classes causing an issue with my CSS that Im not even using now given I want to mark my navbar as class="active" but I cant get my JS to work in favor of having a centralized navbar. I'm certain I'll get it... but now now.

In other news, I've been embracing the Punk/Alt/Raver side of me. With help from my very creative and capable boyfriend I was able to get this jacket made in time for pride-v3 that happened closer to home last sunday.

And dare I say I believe I looked lovely in it! I have plans to make it look even better (but also a bit more dumb in the sense that I'm playing into the puppygirl pipeline transgirl memes).

Anyway, its time for me to catch some Zs after I adjust the patchnotes from the last few months. OH! And before I do, I wanted to note that Ive started using Phoenix Code at least for now. It has been genuinely a great experience, even with the trouble with JS/Jquery issue. Be back later! ✌️

Prework Hours - 12:50 PM

I'm back! Kids fed and laying down, I just got approval from my boyfriend to utilize the pic I was hoping to last night when I started writing this. We may have more pics later too if I can go out over the weekend to get some pictures of the jacket so the details could be seen. Anyway, since my last post there was pride the other week (as seen in my last post) and it was fun, but full of sadness that my husband creature could not join me and my boyfriend. We had fun even with that sad, however, and took some amazing pictures in front of the local Graffiti art spot. Heres a couple of those pictures now!

I got a kitten! Or rather we (my Husband Wife Creature and I) got one. She is so cute. Her name is Toffee and as I write this she is curled up on my lap. It's one of the places she seems to spend. Here, have a pic!

Anyway I'm not sure what else to note. I have a pup event here next week, Husband Wife Creature's birthday is coming up so thats exciting. I really am trying to get better at posting these here but I also often dont have too much to say.

Anyway, thanks for reading! Im happy I could have you along for this one!


October 10th, 2014

Corrected Patchnotes dates for 2 previous entries.... Whoops. Redesigned navbar, allowing for easy reimplementation on seperate pages. Did the same for marquee. Created tester page for whateber I am working on. Got angry at a single period that I incorrectly wrote as a colon messing up my entire CSS adjustment that I still have yet to implement due to JS/Jquery Issues. Updated todo list.